Packet Events

Learn more about the Packet events OneConfig has to offer


SendPacketEvent is (as the name suggests) an event that is fired every time the client sends a packet.

This event also gets the packet that is going to be sent, as a Packet<?>. You can use code like the code below to do things with it.

This event is cancellable, meaning you can stop the packet from getting into the games code. Be careful with what you cancel!

public void onPacketSend(SendPacketEvent event) {
    // check if the packet is the right type
    if(event.packet instanceof S0FPacketSpawnMob) {
        // cast the packet to the right type
        S0FPacketSpawnMob packet = (S0FPacketSpawnMob) event.packet;
        // do something with it
        System.out.println("Entity attempted to be spawned with ID: " + packet.getEntityID());
        // cancel the event afterwards, rendering this packet useless.
        event.isCancelled = true;


ReceivePacketEvent is (as the name suggests) an event that is fired every time the client receives a packet.

This event also gets the packet that has been received, as a Packet<?>. You can use code like the code below to do things with it.

This event is Cancel-able, meaning you can stop the packet from getting into the games code. Be careful with what you cancel!

public void onPacketReceive(ReceivePacketEvent event) {
    // check if the packet is the right type
    if(event.packet instanceof S0FPacketSpawnMob) {
        // cast the packet to the right type
        S0FPacketSpawnMob packet = (S0FPacketSpawnMob) event.packet;
        // do something with it
        System.out.println("Received data from server about an entity spawned with ID: " + packet.getEntityID());

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