Configuration Config Options Custom options Learn how to create custom options with OneConfig.
Creating an option
First you have to create an option, to do this create a class that extends the BasicOption class and implement all methods.
Copy public class MyOption extends BasicOption {
public MyOption ( Field field , Object parent , String name , String category , String subcategory , int size) {
super(field , parent , name , category , subcategory , size);
@ Override
public void draw ( long vg , int x , int y) {
// draw everything here
@ Override
public int getHeight () {
return 32 ; // return the height of the option so other options can be placed accordingly
Basic usage
The easiest way to use a custom option is to annotate the field CustomOption
annotation and specify an id.
Copy @ CustomOption (id = "myOption" )
public static boolean yes = true ;
Then too add your option to the config system you have to overwrite the getCustomOption
method in the config, add the option to the page using ConfigUtils
and then return the option. Here is an example implementation:
Copy @ Overwrite
protected BasicOption getCustomOption( Field field , CustomOption annotation , OptionPage page , Mod mod , boolean migrate) {
BasicOption option = null ;
switch ( annotation . id ()) {
case "myOption" :
option = new MyOption() ;
ConfigUtils . getSubCategory (page , "category" , "subcategory" ) . options . add (option);
break ;
return option;
Advanced usage
Using it in the way described previously is not a good option in the following situations:
You have to use the option multiple times in different categories and subcategories
The option has options that aren't always the same
A better alternative in these situations is to create an annotation that is annotated with the CustomOption
Copy @ Retention ( RetentionPolicy . RUNTIME )
@ Target ( ElementType . FIELD )
@ CustomOption (id = "myOption" )
public @ interface MyOptionAnnotation {
String category() ;
String subcategory() ;
int exampleVariable() ;
Then to implement this you have to modify your getCustomOption
a bit.
Copy @ Overwrite
protected BasicOption getCustomOption( Field field , CustomOption annotation , OptionPage page , Mod mod , boolean migrate) {
BasicOption option = null ;
switch ( annotation . id ()) {
case "myOption" :
MyOptionAnnotation myOption = ConfigUtils . findAnnotation (field , MyOptionAnnotation . class );
option = new MyOption( myOption . exampleVariable()) ;
ConfigUtils . getSubCategory (page , myOption . category () , myOption . subcategory ()) . options . add (option);
break ;
return option;